DO NOT RUN THE APPLE UPDATE ON YOUR MAC FOR THE WEEK OF 11/13/2020 | Episode 28 – Ask the Nerd Podcast
This update just hurt my machine as well as two others I know of. Skip it and wait for the next one! from Ask the Nerd Podcast Find it here: https://ift.tt/32JcTWu
Surviving Working Remotely | Episode 26 – Ask the Nerd Podcast
This episode drills into some things we can do to take care of ourselves as we work remotely or work alone more. Folks, this comes from 20 years of experience in this tech space! from Ask the Nerd Podcast Find it here: https://ift.tt/36yd2No
Crucial Cyber Security Tips to Keep You Safe While You Work Remotely | Episode 25 – Ask the Nerd Podcast
In this episode, I hit a ton of crucial cyber security tips for remote workers working from home. Folks, this is a podcast episode you don’t want to miss. Listen now! And be sure to hit our website at: https://askthenerd.net for so much more! from Ask the Nerd Podcast Find it here: https://ift.tt/3jZpZof
Election Update! I Am Blown Away By the Lack of Technology! | Episode 24 – Ask the Nerd Podcast
In a day where we have crazy strong technology governing ticketing and counts for everything from ball games to concerts and conventions, how do we not have technology for every part of America to cast a vote for an election????? from Ask the Nerd Podcast Find it here: https://ift.tt/3n8yLm3
Why is Google Getting Gaggled by the Government? | Episode 23 – Ask the Nerd Podcast
We share a little about what we see happening with this latest issue with Google and the Government. Are they really a monopoly? What do you think? from Ask the Nerd Podcast Find it here: https://ift.tt/3oBGKt8
DO NOT DO THIS AT ALL! Facebook is Watching You – Episode 22 – Ask the Nerd Podcast
DO NOT DO THIS AT ALL! Facebook is Watching You – Episode 22 – Ask the Nerd Podcast from Ask the Nerd Podcast Find it here: https://ift.tt/35XsRi1
Facebook Just Declared War on Your Creative World! Episode 21 – Ask the Nerd Podcast
Taking time to read the fine print is super important. The brand new Facebook guidelines, while protecting them as a company, just took all your creative rights and protections away!!!! from Ask the Nerd Podcast Find it here: https://ift.tt/3m2Q4VD
Amazon is NOT Being Hacked… You Just Have a Bad Password! | Episode 22
If you have been nervous about your account being hacked on Amazon, listen in as we talk about it. Amazon is in the news because people won’t take responsibility about setting strong passwords and/or using tools to strengthen their accounts. from Ask the Nerd Podcast Find it here: Click Here
Adding Friends on Facebook to Grow As an Online Influencer Ep. 21
Today, we are talking about how you can grow your online reach as an influencer by adding friends on Facebook. We also talk about how to do it without seeming creepy. from Ask the Nerd Podcast Find it here: Click Here
Wayfair is Way Unfair… And So Might Amazon, Walmart & Others Like Them Be! | Ep 20
We take time on this episode to weigh in, not on the actuality of human trafficking happening via these platforms, but the possibility. So, if there is a possibility and some of the recent strange things prove the probability of something happening, aren’t we obligated to at least audit, review and do some due diligence? So if you are out there and have anything to do with that side of law enforcement or media, this is my official position on whether or not it is at least possible something bad is going on. So, let’s act now! from Ask the Nerd Podcast https://ift.tt/39jDZph