How to Record Your Zoom Meeting From Your iPhone
How to Record Your Zoom Meeting From Your iPhone
Create YouTube Videos for Free or Cheap | Become a Viral Channel Guru!
Ever wonder if you could be a video creator on YouTube and have your own channel? Did you think it is too expensive or you cannot afford the software and hardware to produce videos? Did you think it takes too much effort or expertise? This tutorial reveals that it is really much easier than you think! Watch to find how you can get an intro and outro for $5 or how you can do image editing without photoshop as well as movie editing without Final Cut or Adobe Premiere! Welcome to Nerd Chic. This channel is committed to sharing with you some outside the box IT life as well as…
The YouTube Video Editor is Going Away?
Yep, that’s right. YouTube just put a notice up and the YouTube Video editor is going away. So, back up your videos you haven’t done and complete projects quickly. Because on September 2017, it is gone! Nerd Chic Description for Youtube Welcome to Nerd Chic. This channel is committed to sharing with you some outside the box IT life as well as tutorials, tips and tricks to help your nerdiness go to a whole new level! So hang on while we share with you our IT Life adventures, more than 20 years of IT and Development experience in a fun and encouraging way! Our Best Playlists: IT Nerd Hacks: https://goo.gl/4a781g…